\ OLPC boot script \ fetch the /chosen/bootpath property " /chosen" find-package if ( phandle ) " bootpath" rot get-package-property 0= if ( propval$ ) get-encoded-string ( bootpath$ ) [char] \ left-parse-string 2nip ( dn$ ) \ store the first part of bootpath (up to the '\') in $DN dn-buf place ( ) then then " ro root=LABEL=DebXO video=lxfb fbcon=font:SUN12x22" to boot-file game-key-mask h# 80 and if \ boot from backup kernel " ${DN}\vmlinuz.old" expand$ to boot-device " ${DN}\initrd.img.old" expand$ to ramdisk else \ boot from regular kernel " ${DN}\vmlinuz" expand$ to boot-device " ${DN}\initrd.img" expand$ to ramdisk then dcon-unfreeze boot