* @extension: a #MidoriExtension
* Retrieves the path to a directory reserved for configuration
- * files specific to the extension. For that purpose the 'name'
- * of the extension is actually part of the path.
+ * files specific to the extension.
* If settings are installed on the extension, they will be
* loaded from and saved to a file "config" in this path.
const gchar*
midori_extension_get_config_dir (MidoriExtension* extension)
g_return_val_if_fail (midori_extension_is_prepared (extension), NULL);
if (!extension->priv->config_dir)
+ {
+ gchar* filename = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (extension), "filename");
+ g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, NULL);
extension->priv->config_dir = g_build_filename (
- sokoke_set_config_dir (NULL), "extensions",
- extension->priv->name, NULL);
+ sokoke_set_config_dir (NULL), "extensions", filename, NULL);
+ }
return extension->priv->config_dir;