"<tr><td>Glib</td><td>%d.%d.%d (%d.%d.%d)</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>cairo</td><td>%s (%s)</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td>granite</td><td>%s</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>single instance</td><td>%s</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>Platform</td><td>%s %s %s</td></tr>"
glib_major_version, glib_minor_version, glib_micro_version,
CAIRO_VERSION_STRING, cairo_version_string (),
#ifdef HAVE_HILDON_2_2
"Hildon 2.2",
conf.define ('LIBNOTIFY_VERSION', 'No')
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBNOTIFY', [0,1][libnotify == 'yes'])
+ if option_enabled ('granite'):
+ if option_enabled('gtk3'):
+ option_checkfatal ('granite', 'granite requires --enable-gtk3')
+ check_pkg ('granite', '0.1', False)
+ granite = ['N/A', 'yes'][conf.env['HAVE_GRANITE'] == 1]
+ if granite != 'yes':
+ option_checkfatal ('granite', 'new notebook, pop-overs')
+ conf.define ('GRANITE_VERSION', 'No')
+ else:
+ conf.define ('GRANITE_VERSION', conf.check_cfg (modversion='granite'))
+ else:
+ granite = 'no '
+ conf.define ('GRANITE_VERSION', 'No')
conf.check (lib='m', mandatory=True)
check_pkg ('gmodule-2.0', '2.8.0', False)
check_pkg ('gthread-2.0', '2.8.0', False)
group = opt.add_option_group ('Optional features', '')
add_enable_option ('unique', 'single instance support', group, disable=is_win32 (os.environ))
add_enable_option ('libnotify', 'notification support', group)
+ add_enable_option ('granite', 'new notebook, pop-overs', group)
add_enable_option ('addons', 'building of extensions', group)
add_enable_option ('tests', 'building of tests', group, disable=True)
add_enable_option ('hildon', 'Maemo integration', group, disable=not is_maemo ())