#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <webkit/webkit.h>
+ #define WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION(a,b,c) 0
/* This is unstable API, so we need to declare it */
webkit_web_view_get_selected_text (WebKitWebView* web_view);
gpointer decision,
MidoriView* view)
+ #if WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION (1, 0, 0)
+ gchar* uri;
+ #endif
if (web_frame != webkit_web_view_get_main_frame (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view)))
return FALSE;
g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (view), "mime-type");
/* TODO: Display contents with a Viewable if WebKit can't do it */
- /* TODO: Offer to download file if it cannot be displayed at all */
+ /* TODO: Offer downloading file if it cannot be displayed at all */
+ #if WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION (1, 1, 0)
+ if (webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), mime_type))
+ #else
+ if (g_str_has_prefix (mime_type, "image/") ||
+ g_strrstr (mime_type, "script") ||
+ g_str_has_prefix (mime_type, "text/") || g_strrstr (mime_type, "xml"))
+ #endif
+ return TRUE;
+ #if WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION (1, 0, 0)
+ uri = g_strdup_printf ("error:nodisplay %s",
+ webkit_network_request_get_uri (request));
+ midori_view_set_uri (view, uri);
+ g_free (uri);
+ #else
+ midori_view_set_uri (view, "error:nodisplay ");
+ #endif
return TRUE;
if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, "error:"))
data = NULL;
- if (!strncmp (uri, "error:nodocs ", 13))
+ if (!strncmp (uri, "error:nodisplay ", 16))
+ {
+ gchar* title;
+ katze_assign (view->uri, g_strdup (&uri[16]));
+ title = g_strdup_printf (_("Document cannot be displayed"));
+ data = g_strdup_printf (
+ "<html><head><title>%s</title></head>"
+ "<body><h1>%s</h1>"
+ "<img src=\"file://" DATADIR "/midori/logo-shade.png\" "
+ "style=\"position: absolute; right: 15px; bottom: 15px;\">"
+ "<p />The document %s cannot be displayed."
+ "</body></html>",
+ title, title, view->uri);
+ g_free (title);
+ }
+ else if (!strncmp (uri, "error:nodocs ", 13))
gchar* title;