. Have an internal uri scheme, eg. 'res:', to reference eg. themed icons
. 'about:' uris: about, blank, cache, config, plugins
. Panel of open tabs (with tree-structure), optional thumbnail-view
- . Spell check support
. Check specific bookmarks for updates automatically (extension)
. Mark "new" as well as "actually modified" tabs specially (even over sessions)
. SearchEngine: "Show in context menu"
- . Use libnotify for events, e.g. download finished
. Save screenshot of a document?
. Right-click a textbox in a search form and choose 'add to websearch'
. Honor design principle "no warnings but undo of backups"?
. Support widgets 1.0 spec in tool windows and standalone?
- . Blank page: several custom links, displayed as thumbnails, like Opera?
- . Handle downloads, optionally in a downloadbar
. Protected tabs prompt when attempting to close them
. Provide a 'sleep mode' after a crash where open documents are loaded manually
. Option to run plugins or scripts only on demand, like NoScript, per-site