if (proto)
- result = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s%s", proto, s, path ? path : "");
+ result = g_strconcat (proto, "://", s, path ? path : "", NULL);
g_free (proto);
if (path)
g_free (hostname);
g_free (current_dir);
return result;
- /* Do we need to add a protocol? */
- if (!strstr (uri, "://"))
+ /* Do we have a protocol? */
+ if (g_strstr_len (uri, 8, "://"))
+ return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (g_strdup (uri));
+ /* Do we have a domain, ip address or localhost? */
+ if ((search = strchr (uri, ':')) && search[0] &&
+ !g_ascii_isalpha (search[1]) && search[1] != ' ')
+ if (!strchr (search, '.'))
+ return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL));
+ if (!strcmp (uri, "localhost") || g_str_has_prefix (uri, "localhost/"))
+ return g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL);
+ parts = g_strsplit (uri, ".", 0);
+ if (!search && parts[0] && parts[1])
- /* Do we have a domain, ip address or localhost? */
- search = strchr (uri, ':');
- if (search && search[0] &&
- !g_ascii_isalpha (search[1]) && search[1] != ' ')
- if (!strchr (search, '.'))
- return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL));
- if (!strcmp (uri, "localhost") || g_str_has_prefix (uri, "localhost/"))
- return g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL);
- parts = g_strsplit (uri, ".", 0);
- if (!search && parts[0] && parts[1])
- {
- search = NULL;
- if (!(parts[1][1] == '\0' && !g_ascii_isalpha (parts[1][0])))
- if (!strchr (parts[0], ' ') && !strchr (parts[1], ' '))
- search = g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL);
- g_free (parts);
- if (search)
- return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (search);
- }
- /* We don't want to search? So return early. */
- if (!search_engines)
- return g_strdup (uri);
- search = NULL;
- search_uri = NULL;
- /* Do we have a keyword and a string? */
- parts = g_strsplit (uri, " ", 2);
- if (parts[0] && parts[1])
- {
- item = katze_array_find_token (search_engines, parts[0]);
- if (item)
- search_uri = katze_item_get_uri (item);
- }
- g_free (parts);
- if (search_uri)
+ if (!(parts[1][1] == '\0' && !g_ascii_isalpha (parts[1][0])))
+ if (!strchr (parts[0], ' ') && !strchr (parts[1], ' '))
+ if ((search = g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL)))
+ {
+ g_strfreev (parts);
+ return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (search);
+ }
+ }
+ g_strfreev (parts);
+ /* We don't want to search? So return early. */
+ if (!search_engines)
+ return g_strdup (uri);
+ search = NULL;
+ search_uri = NULL;
+ /* Do we have a keyword and a string? */
+ parts = g_strsplit (uri, " ", 2);
+ if (parts[0] && parts[1])
+ if ((item = katze_array_find_token (search_engines, parts[0])))
+ search_uri = katze_item_get_uri (item);
if (strstr (search_uri, "%s"))
search = g_strdup_printf (search_uri, parts[1]);
search = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", search_uri, parts[1]);
- return search;
- }
- return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (g_strdup (uri));
+ g_strfreev (parts);
+ return search;