Apparently libUnique can't handle international domains and
won't pass them onto the destined instance, so we encode
them beforehand.
/* TODO: Open a tab per URI, seperated by pipes */
/* FIXME: Handle relative files or magic URI here */
+ /* Encode any IDN addresses because libUnique doesn't like them */
+ i = 0;
+ while (uris[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 22, 0)
+ gchar* encoded = g_hostname_to_unicode (uris[i]);
+ if (encoded)
+ {
+ g_free (uris[i]);
+ uris[i] = encoded;
+ }
+ #else
+ uris[i] = sokoke_idn_to_punycode (uris[i]);
+ #endif
+ i++;
+ }
result = midori_app_instance_send_uris (app, uris);
return TRUE;
-static gchar*
sokoke_idn_to_punycode (gchar* uri)
gchar* sokoke_search_uri (const gchar* uri,
const gchar* keywords);
+sokoke_idn_to_punycode (gchar* uri);
sokoke_magic_uri (const gchar* uri,
KatzeArray* search_engines);