The feature is in fact far more popular than one might think.
GtkWidget* labelbar;
GtkWidget* toolbar;
+ GtkToolItem* button_align;
GtkWidget* toolbar_label;
GtkWidget* frame;
GtkWidget* toolbook;
* Whether to align the panel on the right.
* Since: 0.1.3
- *
- * Deprecated: 0.3.0
g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
gtk_widget_show (window);
+static void
+midori_panel_button_align_clicked_cb (GtkWidget* toolitem,
+ MidoriPanel* panel)
+ midori_panel_set_right_aligned (panel, !panel->right_aligned);
static void
midori_panel_destroy_cb (MidoriPanel* panel)
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (toolitem), panel->toolbar_label);
gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (toolitem), 6);
gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (labelbar), toolitem, -1);
+ toolitem = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
+ gtk_tool_button_set_label (GTK_TOOL_BUTTON (toolitem),
+ _("Align sidepanel to the right"));
+ gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_text (GTK_TOOL_ITEM (toolitem),
+ _("Align sidepanel to the right"));
+ g_signal_connect (toolitem, "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (midori_panel_button_align_clicked_cb), panel);
+ #if HAVE_OSX
+ gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (labelbar), toolitem, 0);
+ #else
+ gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (labelbar), toolitem, -1);
+ #endif
+ panel->button_align = toolitem;
toolitem = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CLOSE);
gtk_tool_button_set_label (GTK_TOOL_BUTTON (toolitem), _("Close panel"));
gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_text (GTK_TOOL_ITEM (toolitem), _("Close panel"));
box = gtk_widget_get_parent (panel->toolbar);
gtk_box_reorder_child (GTK_BOX (box), panel->toolbar,
right_aligned ? -1 : 0);
+ gtk_tool_button_set_stock_id (GTK_TOOL_BUTTON (panel->button_align),
panel->right_aligned = right_aligned;
+ gtk_tool_button_set_label (GTK_TOOL_BUTTON (panel->button_align),
+ !panel->right_aligned ? _("Align sidepanel to the right")
+ : _("Align sidepanel to the left"));
+ gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_text (GTK_TOOL_ITEM (panel->button_align),
+ !panel->right_aligned ? _("Align sidepanel to the right")
+ : _("Align sidepanel to the left"));
g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (panel), "right-aligned");
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Desenganxar el panell triat de la finestra"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Alinear el panell lateral a la dreta"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Alinear el panell lateral a la dreta"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Alinear el panell lateral a l'esquerra"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Alinear el panell lateral a l'esquerra"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Oculta els controls d'operació"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Oddělit vybraný panel od okna"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Umístit boční panel vpravo"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Umístit boční panel vpravo"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Umístit boční panel vlevo"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Umístit boční panel vlevo"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Schovat ovládací prvky"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Gewählte Leiste vom Fenster ablösen"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Seitenleiste rechts anordnen"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Seitenleiste rechts anordnen"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Seitenleiste links anordnen"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Seitenleiste links anordnen"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Bedienelemente anzeigen"
#~ msgstr "Ελαχιστοποίηση της συγκεκριμένης καρτέλας"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Αποσύνδεση επιλεγμένου πλαισίου από το παράθυρο"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Ευθυγράμμιση πλαϊνού πλαισίου στα δεξιά"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Ευθυγράμμιση πλαϊνού πλαισίου στα αριστερά"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Ευθυγράμμιση πλαϊνού πλαισίου στα δεξιά"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Ευθυγράμμιση πλαϊνού πλαισίου στα αριστερά"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Απόκρυψη στοιχείων λειτουργίας"
#~ msgid "Spell Checking"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Separar el panel elegido de la ventana"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Alinear el panel a la derecha"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Alinear el panel a la derecha"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Alinear el panel a la izquierda"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Alinear el panel a la izquierda"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar _controles de operación"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Separar o panel seleccionado da xanela "
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Aliñar o panel lateral á dereita"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Aliñar o panel lateral á dereita"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Aliñar o panel lateral á esquerda"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Aliñar o panel lateral á esquerda"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar os controis de operación"
#~ msgid "Minimize the current tab"
#~ msgstr "Minimiziraj trenutnu karticu"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Poravnaj bočni stupac desno"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Poravnaj bočni stupac desno"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Poravnaj bočni stupac lijevo"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Poravnaj bočni stupac lijevo"
#~ msgid "Spell Checking"
#~ msgstr "Provjera pravopisa"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Kiválasztott panel leválasztása az ablakról"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Az oldalsáv jobbra igazítása"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Az oldalsáv jobbra igazítása"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Az oldalsáv balra igazítása"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Az oldalsáv balra igazítása"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Vezérlők elrejtése"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Stacca il pannello selezionato dalla finestra"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Allinea il pannello laterale a destra"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Allinea il pannello laterale a destra"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Allinea il pannello laterale a sinistra"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Allinea il pannello laterale a sinistra"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Nasconde i controlli operativi"
#~ msgstr "選択したパネルをウィンドウから切り離します"
# tooltip
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "サイドパネルを右側に配置します"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "サイドパネルを右側に配置します"
# tooltip
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "サイドパネルを左側に配置します"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "サイドパネルを左側に配置します"
# tooltip
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "선택한 패널 창에서 분리"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "창을 오른쪽으로 이동"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "창을 오른쪽으로 이동"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "창을 왼쪽으로 이동"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "창을 왼쪽으로 이동"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "조작 컨트롤 감추기(_C)"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Odłącza panel od okna"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Umieszcza panel boczy po prawej stronie okna"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Umieszcza panel boczy po prawej stronie okna"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Umieszcza panel boczy po lewej stronie okna"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Umieszcza panel boczy po lewej stronie okna"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Przełącza widoczność przycisków konfiguracyjnych panelu"
#~ msgstr "Falha ao limpar o histórico de pesquisa: %s\n"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Separar da janela o painel escolhido"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Alinhar painel lateral à direita"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Alinhar painel lateral à esquerda"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Alinhar painel lateral à direita"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Alinhar painel lateral à esquerda"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar controles operacionais"
#~ msgid "Spell Checking"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Отсоединить выбранную панель от главного окна"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Расположить панель справа"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Расположить панель справа"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Расположить панель слева"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Расположить панель слева"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Скрыть элементы управления"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Pencereden seçilmiş paneli ayır"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Kenar panelini sağa hizala"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Kenar panelini sağa hizala"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Kenar panelini sola hizala"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Kenar panelini sola hizala"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "İşlem kontrollerini gizle"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "Від’єднати вибрану панель від вікна"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "Рівняти бічну панель по правому краю"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "Рівняти бічну панель по правому краю"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "Рівняти бічну панель по лівому краю"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "Рівняти бічну панель по лівому краю"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "Приховати панель _управління"
#~ msgid "Detach chosen panel from the window"
#~ msgstr "从窗口中分离选择的面板"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "侧栏在右"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "侧栏在右"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "侧栏在左"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "侧栏在左"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "隐藏操作控件"
#~ msgstr "傳輸列(_T)"
#~ msgid "Show transferbar"
#~ msgstr "顯示傳輸列"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
-#~ msgstr "側面板靠右對齊"
-#~ msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
-#~ msgstr "側面板靠左對齊"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the right"
+msgstr "側面板靠右對齊"
+msgid "Align sidepanel to the left"
+msgstr "側面板靠左對齊"
#~ msgid "Hide operating controls"
#~ msgstr "隱藏操作控制項"
#~ msgid "Show progress in location entry"